Casting Training

The Anntourage team provides casting training sessions in small groups. Do you have the feeling that when you go to a casting call, you miss skills?

Is it better to dig deep and prepare a part all the way –not to make any mistake- or is that stupid? Can you be transparant with your emotions about the part and yourself before doing the casting, or better cast first and talk afterwards?

How much is a director attached to the lines? Can I improvise? And what about styling? Shall I dress as myself or similar to the character? What about virtual castings on zoom and self taping, and what’s the difference? Is casting different in Belgium and what about international casting, how to find them?

A casting training of 2 hours can answer many of these questions. We give you an insight of how we work and how we operate.

Next Casting Training:

  • 19 October 10 am – 11.30 pm (Antwerp!)
  • 19 October 1 pm – 2.30 pm (Antwerp!)

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